Teams come to learn with us.
Through practice we've figured out what helps companies work smarter. And now we're ready to share what we know.


Get certified knowledge

We believe that knowledge should be validated by expert assessment. Therefore, we provide training programms developed by four leading international certification organizations.
This company was established by the creators of the Scrum framework, positioning them as the foremost experts in implementing this management system.
The LeSS Company
LeSS experts expand the Scrum framework to encompass larger scales, providing guidance on orchestrating product development involving from 1 to 1000 teams.
Management 3.0
These are the experts in modern management, having crafted frameworks for establishing highly synchronized teams, inspiring individuals, and evolving into effective leaders.
OKR Institute
The framework facilitates the establishment of organizational goals and their seamless distribution across various teams.
our trainings

Learn to work smarter


Clients talk about us


Victoria «I've learned a lot of new things. It was interesting to work on a case that had many similarities to my own product. I passed the PSPO-A certification on the first attempt. Thank you for the knowledge and preparation!»


«It was a good dynamic training. The information was complex but understandable. There were a lot of practical exercises. Expert trainers made clear the differences between real Scrum and what most companies make of it, which I found very useful.»


«After the training I somehow revised my approach to management. I wrote an action plan for myself:  

- I will definitely try a few tools.

- I will read the M3.0 book.

- I will occasionally look at the sammarie cheat sheet (great stuff).

- I'll keep trying to change reality, around me, but more intelligently).

- I will become more consciously slow myself down when I see examples of M2.0 or even M1.0 in my life and wonder \"maybe this is where I need it\".

In general, I will react more calmly to the imperfections of current processes).»

Scrum Master

“The Professional Scrum Master course dives deeply into the methodology. It's a training that's simple to grasp but challenging to truly master. In our everyday practice, we're accustomed to exploring the non-obvious aspects of Scrum. However, in the PSM course, we delved into the very core of Scrum—empirical control. It was very powerful”.


«Training DAO was a real eye-opener for me. All three days we discussed the complex topic of building an adaptive organisation. We looked at guides and basic principles. Now I have knowledge that I am going to implement in my work with top managers.»


«This is the third training I have attended with Maria and Roman, again I am impressed. I realised that I wanted to learn more from such people. In general, I went to the trainers in the first place, the topic came second.All the qualities of a facilitator appeared as needed, in addition to those described in books, I personally highlight - the ability to talk, humour, empathy. Everything was there).Among the interesting things - in the middle of the training the access to the online board was lost, the facilitators reorganised as they went along. It was a difficult situation, but it was solved with dignity.»


«I recommend the PSM II training for those who already have experience in the role of Scrum Master and want to deepen their knowledge. The training does not cover the basics, but it covers a lot of advanced, complex cases of  SM life. The most valuable was the experience of the trainers from their work with companies, examples of successes and failures, which Roman and Maria actively shared.»


«Great course. Useful tools that were practised in small groups. If you are not familiar with Scrum, you might find it a bit difficult because the basic things are not covered. The focus is on how to work with the Backlog»


«The PSM II training helped to structure knowledge and build a powerful and solid knowledge platform that has helped me grow in my profession.»


«Thanks for the training! The materials were very well-structured, the content was valuable, and there were plenty of practical exercises. I've already started applying what I learned in my Scrum Master role. I highly recommend this training to all Scrum Masters. It's foundational knowledge that is essential for effectively carrying out our work.»


«We spent three days looking at the issue of building an Agile organisation at the DAO training. The most important conclusion is that I always started my transformation in the wrong place) Now I understand that the main thing is to decide on the organisational strategy and abilities, and then to design it. I got answers to all my questions, removed the doubts I had. I definitely recommend this training if you understand that it's time to change your organisation, but don't know how. Roman, Ilya, thank you»


«I passed with an 89%! Now I am a Professional Scrum Product Owner. Roman, thank you for the course and the knowledge. The key insight was understanding the connection between mission, vision, strategy, product backlog, and sprint goals. I realized there’s a lot to improve in my product management, and now I know how to do it. I will be filling gaps and trying out new tools from the training.»


«A lot of useful information. Need to get back to it again and again to re-think and re-use everything in my context!Thank you!»


«I really liked the OKR Practitioner training. I'm used to training where the focus is only on theory, but the guys translated every piece of theory into practice - either by practicing in a group or by analyzing examples of companies. I learned where to use OKRs, and where it is better not to use them at all, plus a breakdown of possible pitfalls. It gave me a much better understanding of how to apply OKRs in practice!»


«The most valuable thing I got from the training was the cases, how LeSS was implemented in companies, the experience of trainers and other companies. Because I seemed to know and understand the theory, but I still had a lot of questions. Group work was also useful, we were able to share our experience, mistakes and cases. A lot of difficult but useful concepts that will help me further in my work»


«During the three days of training I got an understanding of how to implement LeSS in our organisation. There were a lot of questions about how to organise the work of 14 teams in our organisation. I went to the training because I noticed that we were turning into a slow-moving Enterprise. Now I exhale and realise that not all is lost) I got a lot of tools and techniques that will help to improve our processes and keep us flexible.»


«Great course, I think it could be useful for everyone who works with a team and wants to improve teamwork - refresh knowledge, get new tools and insights, systematise, share experiences and cases»


“A year and a half ago, my team and I completed the Professional Scrum Master course. During the training, we gained a comprehensive understanding of how the framework operates and impoved the workflow of the company. Moreover, we effectively introduced Scrum to several other teams. I must say that the training ranks among the finest I've ever participated in”.


«Really enjoyed the PSPBM course. It was very useful to review and try out the tools for working with the product backlog. By doing the exercises, I was able to better understand how a particular tool works, sort out mistakes and ask questions. For me it was a perfect combination of theory and practice.»


«Awesome, thanks!Changes the way we think about backlog.  A lot of useful information. Everything is relevant and important. It's great that every tool is analysed in detail in practice.»


«Before the training, I thought I knew everything about Scrum and just wanted to get certified. Turns out, I knew very little))) The course helped me understand what Scrum really is. Now I look at the processes in my company differently. Thanks for the many real-life examples.»


«Throughout the two days, I was fully engaged in the training. Despite the complex material, the training's dynamic atmosphere kept me focused without a chance to be distracted. Constant collaboration in small groups, where participants shared their experiences and thoughts, helped me better grasp the material. The trainer demonstrated knowledge and experience. I am ready to recommend this course.»


«The training was very useful because we worked through a lot of cases. I face such cases all the time in my work, and I don't always know how best to act. I realised where I was wrong and where I reacted correctly. I would recommend the training to anyone who has been working in the role of a SM for several years.»


«I can recommend the PSM course to anyone in need of foundational knowledge on real Scrum. There is a lot of fragmented and often incorrect information about Scrum online, but only after this training I was able to get everything clearly. The combination of theory with numerous exercises in small groups and using Miro made the training both valuable and engaging.»


«One of the most inspiring trainings. Well organised and structured, all key aspects of facilitation were covered, from theoretical foundations to practical techniques and tools.I would like to highlight the competence of the trainers, you can immediately see their work experience, deep understanding of the topic and ability to communicate complex concepts in simple and accessible language. Especially valuable for me was the practical application of the knowledge gained. We worked in groups, practised facilitation and received feedback from trainers and colleagues. This helped me not only to learn the material better, but also to see how facilitation techniques work in real life.»

Product and Project Manager

“After completing the Professional Scrum Master course, I realized that I resonate with Agile values. I used to be skeptical of self-organization theory, but the training made me reconsider.

A Scrum Master is a unique role. This person cultivates the right atmosphere, encouraging the team to solve problems independently and find answers within the group without relying on experts”.


«PSPO-A is an incredibly cool course! Theory, exercises, tools – and that’s how it went for three days. The material was amazing, and Roman is a master of his craft. The group work format was superb! We discussed various product management strategies, shared experiences, and I picked up several ideas from my colleagues. Honestly, my head was buzzing, but the competition with other groups was motivating :) We wanted to solve the case in a unique and impressive way. I think our group succeeded in the end! Thank you, Roman! I definitely recommend this course)))»


«It turns out I had been interpreting some things incorrectly, even though I’m an experienced Product Owner))) I came for the tools, got the tools, and as a bonus, found answers to my questions related to the training and beyond. I shared “how we do it” and heard “how they do it,” and also found like-minded individuals :) We’ll stay in touch! Thank you, Roman and Maria, for your openness, willingness to help, and what I call professional training!»


«Roman - excellent trainer! His Professional Scrum Product Owner I course was very insightful. I learned a lot of new things and now feel much more confident applying Scrum in practice as a Product Owner.Roman explains everything clearly and takes the time to answer all questions and discuss each case. The exercises and examples from his own experience add significant value to the course. I highly recommend his course to anyone looking to understand how to work with products in Scrum.»


«I attended this training immediately after the PSM training. It turned out to be the best decision to take two trainings in a row with Roman and Maria. At PSM I got the base, at PSFS I learnt the details of all the events from the point of view of facilitation. I practised a lot of techniques in the hands-on exercises. I got feedback, understood my sides for improvement. Will apply in my work. Thank you for the trainings!»


«For the first time, I attended a training where we worked on one case for 3 days. At some point I thought that everything was happening in reality and the product had to be saved. Honestly, every new task was a reflection on myself, my experience and the product I was working with. It was useful. Roman, thank you for the excellent material, examples of real organisations, experience and of course humour.»


«This was my third course with Roman, and all of them have been of the highest quality. The knowledge and real-life examples confirming that knowledge in actual organizational work are what make each course so valuable. Plus, the format is excellent – it ensures the engagement of every participant, with small groups in Zoom and tasks on Miro boards, making even a complex training dynamic. I highly recommend it.»


«A challenging but a very interesting course. Makes you look at the structure of the company in a different way. The training was in a corporate format, so we put each principle into its own context, which made us argue and ask a lot of questions to ourselves. Thank you for this opportunity.»


«During the training, I was able to dive deeper into product management tasks and learn more about how I can be more valuable to my clients and organization. I filled in the gaps in my knowledge and met Product Owners from other companies, realizing we share the same problems. It was a great networking experience. Thank you for the excellent course and for addressing personal cases and questions.»


«I recently attended the CERTIFIED OKR PRACTITIONER course and it was very useful! The expert knowledge and engaging teaching style made the complex OKR system easy to understand and apply. The real-life examples, knowledg, and personalizsed feedback from the trainers helped a lot. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to master OKR. 10 out of 10!»


«I was satisfied with the training. The trainers kept a good balance of theory and practice, involved each participant, so the fact that the training was online did not reduce its quality. We worked on exercises that helped us to practise different facilitation techniques. Each exercise was backed up by theory, so it became clear why it was necessary to facilitate in this way and not in another way. Thank you for the useful training!»


«The trainers were great, they explained everything simply and clearly. They spent a lot of time on practice, which helped a lot to consolidate the theory. This is what I expected from the facilitation training.»


«Thank you for the training! I got answers to all the questions I came with. But it also raised a lot of questions that need to be addressed more deeply. It was difficult at times, but the topic is not easy either. I will be changing my organisation»


«I highly appreciate the training I received. I would even call it one of the best trainings I have had in my professional career. Excellent mixture of practical exercises and theory. I got answers to all the questions I came to the training with. I worked out my company's case study.»


«Funny story: I decided to take this course and as if by magic it turned out that the course starts in a week)))))) Two years ago I got my PSM I badge and decided it was time to go for a second one. The course was very practical, filled with real cases and examples from the scrum teams' life. We solved cases based on the concept of "hats" of a scrum master (facilitator, coach, teacher, etc.).  I found my areas of growth and what "hats" to develop to become the best scrum master for my team))). In general, PSM II is about new ideas, food for thought and inspiration to move forward»


«We learnt how to work with the Backlog in practice, from creating it to estimating each item. The course is very useful for those who work with Backlog every day. I found out that I used some of the tools correctly, some things were new to me, I will try to apply them»


«As always, useful and dynamic! Roman, you’re amazing! You explained everything super clearly and even helped me with my product questions during the break. It was great working in small teams, and thanks for supporting my case. I left with a product vision and a product  strategy that I’ll continue developing with my team. Overall, I highly recommend the PSPO course!»


«Recently attended OKR training from Maria and Roman. 
In addition to the in-depth knowledge, I really liked the dynamics of the course. Everything was learned through practical examples. We worked in teams with different participants, so we were able to gather a lot of opinions and different experiences. 

The information is clearly structured, and I could absorb an incredible amount of information in 2 days.

I recommend this course.»


«Recently attended the Provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner training and was very satisfied. The structure of the training is excellent, balanced between theory and practice. The trainers were experienced, gave a lot of examples, answered all our questions. The training helped to better understand how to apply LeSS in real life. I will try to implement LeSS in my company and correct the chaos that we have now.I recommend this training to anyone who wants to understand more about scalable Scrum and work more efficiently.»


«Great training with useful information. Especially the section about delegation with the delegation matrix and levels ofmotivation and motivational factors, change management. These sections have templates that you can immediately take and use in your work.We practised them during the course, and it became immediately clear how to apply them with the team»


«The trainers are real professionals who explained complex concepts in simple and accessible language. I finally understood what Scrum is, in particular, the responsibilities of a Product Owner. I was impressed by the huge number of tools and techniques that will be really useful in product management. If you want to improve your product management skills, this is exactly what you need!»


«Gained a lot of insights and new knowledge at the LeSS training. Now I understand what principles to follow in order to apply scrum to many teams. I had a lot of practical questions, got answers to all of them. I am ready to transform my company.»


«The course was very rich in topics. I really liked the fact that they were always discussing something in groups, sharing experience and examples. Group discussions and the experience of the trainers, their practical examples from their experience of working with companies, are probably the most valuable (as in most trainings).»


«Excellent training with good examples. The trainers explain everything in clear language and help you to understand what OKR framework is. Helped to transfer the knowledge to my context to immediately assess how this could be applied in my organization. The training was challenging but also energizing.»


«I've just finished DAO training with Roman and Ilya. The training made us think about the structure of the processes we have in our company now. We managed to raise a lot of questions, solved some at once, and left some for further work. We made a rough plan of what we should change in the organisation to make it adaptive. Thank you to the trainers for their examples and patience in dealing with our cases.»


«Useful PSFS training! Especially valuable were the practical exercises, where we could immediately practise the theory in practice This allowed me to gain confidence in my facilitation skills or find out areas of growth.I got a lot of useful tools and methods that I will apply in my work. I recommend this training to anyone who wants to improve their skills in facilitating Scrum events»


«Experienced and energetic trainer with great knowledge and experience, and most importantly patience to answer all questions and deal with all cases. Thank you, Roman.»


«Cases! Cases and more cases! About teams, about conflicts, about deep understanding of scrum principles! Thank you to the trainers for an exciting and dynamic journey to the next level of mastery! I feel more confident, I know I can support my team even better (impostor syndrome, bye-bye bye)))))»

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